Dispatch Time for Unstitched

  • Local: 5 to 7 working days
  • International: 10 to 15 working day

Dispatch Time for Pret

  • Local: 7 to 10 working days
  • International: 15 to 18 working days

Dispatch Time for Stitching Orders

  • Local: 12 to 15 working days
  • International: 18 to 22 working days

Custom Stitching Orders

  • 25 to 30 working days for both local or international


  • Delivery time may exceed due to high volume order log or the unavailability of the stock.
  • All customs and VAT charges will be paid by the customers for all international orders, where applicable. (Further, we would like to inform our international customers that cross-border deliveries are subject to opening and inspection by customs authorities.
    If the Parcel is on hold by the Customs department of the shipping country, the customer is liable to provide all relevant and required documentation to the authorities. Nureh is not liable to refund the amount for non-clearance of the Parcel.

UK custom has made some changes in the customs clearance w.e.f 1st January 2021. 

  1. Additional GBP 3/-  will cost per HAWB 
  2. C2C (Gift) shipments up to 39 GBP, there will be no Duty & VAT
  3. C2C shipments above 39 GBP and up 135  GBP there will be VAT of 20%
  4. C2C shipments above 135 GBP there will be a VAT of 20% and duty as per product HS code
  5. B2B shipments, EORI number of the consignee is must, 
  6. B2C shipments up to 135 GBP, there will be VAT of 20% & above both will be (VAT & Duty) applicable